Faculty experts quoted

Spring 2012

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“The Zappos decision to terminate customer password access creates a situation that makes it appear ‘it’s a panic mode.’”

John D’Arcy, Assistant Management Professor
on cyber-security breaches
IT Business Edge (Jan. 18)

“Facebook needs to find more ways to get revenue from their users.”

Tim Loughran, Finance Professor
on Facebook’s IPO
Associated Press (Feb. 3)

“We can’t go overboard in thinking we can go back to the middle-class manufacturing jobs we had in the ’50s and ’60s when we didn’t have the global competition we have now.”

Jeff Bergstrand, Finance Professor
on “factory nostalgia”
Bloomberg (Feb. 17)

“Overall, lowering the tax rate for U.S. corporations seems like a step in the right direction, but with the elimination of popular deductions the proposal actually increases the average amount of taxes paid by corporations.”

Brad Badertscher, Assistant Accountancy Professor
on corporate tax reform proposal
The Washington Post (Feb. 22)

“The fact that he is marginalizing his own son, I think, is definitely an indication his hold on the company is as strong or stronger than ever.”

Mike Mannor, Assistant Management Professor
on Rupert Murdoch and News International
CNN (Feb. 29)

“Ambition has a much weaker effect on life satisfaction and actually a negative impact on longevity.”

Tim Judge, Management Professor
on his ambition research
FOX News (March 12)